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  • The Newfoundland Lunch Party

    A Sisters of the Soil Novel With Recipes by

    The Sisters of the Soil meet up again for fun times and good food – this time in Newfoundland – where Hannah, from the U.K., makes an extraordinary find outside Rhodo’s saltbox house by the sea. She insists it’s worth a fortune. But is she right?...

  • Garbage Day


    Eugenio Violante wears two fedoras—one as the Don of La Cosa Nostra, the other as the owner of Wastefellas Garbage Co. His business operates in a community with a newfound sense of environmental values due to recent media backlash from local news...

  • Sail Away

    Day One on a Tall Ship by

    A class of Grade 10 students boards a replica of a century-old schooner for a five-day cruise through the Gulf Islands on Canada’s Pacific Coast. Sail Away chronicles their first day in this friendly but unfamiliar environment. It’s a day filled...

  • The Oasis

    A Tale of Hope by

    The storm raged on throughout the night. Nora could not sleep but dozed on and off during the bleak hours. At times there were loud creaks and groans followed by a bang severe enough to shake the house as the ice proved too heavy for some tree...